Monday, May 30, 2005

Priya's Poem "BUTTERFLIES" - Dedicated to Abbey

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The MIJ Song

This is the MIJ song that Abbey started to write. Help him complete the lyrics.
If you can add chords and put it to music, even better...

The MIJ Song


The two years I spent in MIJ
Studying for my MBA
Precious hours spent with friends
Drinking the night away
Those term papers we’d to write
Every Professor had a strange quirk
It took Rascal Rusty to figure out
For each Prof what would work
Someone liked quotes, some liked to see graphs
Some liked humour in Assignments just for laughs

The two years I spent in MIJ
Studying for my MBA
Precious hours spent with friends
Drinking the night away

Dadu’s dhaba was our usual haunt
Whether for chai or cigarettes that we’d want
Where Arunesh sang Dylan's songs
With the shiny black guitar he would flaunt...